Monday, December 5, 2011

Ethan's upcoming surgery

Hey everyone! Just a quick update to let you all know that Ethan will be going in for his 12th? surgery this Friday so if you can send some good thoughts his way we would appreciate it! The good news is that the Plastic Surgeon said this MAY be his last skin grafting operation if all goes well. We're crossing our fingers that it is successful because the poor little guy is getting tired of the in's and out's of surgery. 
We also wanted to let everyone know how much this love and attention is lifting Ethan's spirits! He's just shocked that so many people care about him and his well-being...the love he's feeling from everyone is exactly what he needs right's honestly what has pulled us through this experience... we thank you all, from the bottom of our hearts.

1 comment:

  1. Ethan,
    Sending you lots of positive thoughts and prayers. You have 100+ people in Flagstaff from Trinity Heights Church praying for you daily. I will add an extra prayer for your Friday surgery. I had several reconstructive surgeries last year and as much as it stunk, it was well worth it. Hang tough. It sounds like you have made great progress and since you are young you will heal much faster than us older people. (My husband and I knew your parents and Aunt Lisa in High School.) That i)n itself says we are old. lol.
    :) Kim (Bladine) Alexander
